Product: Glasgow MEM BHK 21 w/ L-Glutamine w/o Sodium Bicarbonate w/o Tryptose Phosphate Broth

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Glasgow MEM BHK 21 w/ L-Glutamine w/o Sodium Bicarbonate w/o Tryptose Phosphate Broth

GMEM, or Glasgow Minimum Essential Medium, is a cell culture medium that was originally developed for the cultivation of BHK 21 cells. It was formulated by modifying the basic formulation of Basal Medium Eagle (BME), a commonly used cell culture medium. The addition of Tryptose Phosphate and double the concentration of amino acids and vitamins helped improve the growth and proliferation of BHK 21 cells.

Biowest offers GMEM with a unique formulation that does not contain sodium bicarbonate and Tryptose Phosphate Broth. This allows for greater control over pH levels during cell culture, making it an ideal choice for researchers who require precise control over the culture environment.

Our GMEM is available in various packaging options to meet your needs. We also provide customized media formulations to meet your specific research requirements. Our commitment to providing high-quality products and personalized customer service ensures that you receive the best possible solutions for your cell culture needs.

Contact us today to learn more about our GMEM and our customized media solutions.

Product Specifications:

  • Product code: P0120-N1L
  • Shipping conditions: Room Temperature
  • State: Powder
  • Shelf life: 36 months
  • Storage: +2/+8°C.
  • Sterility: Non-sterile

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